Recruitment Process

Step 1

Analysis of requirements

No sooner the requirements are received from our clients, we analyze the requirements in details and classify them region wise according to the availability of candidates in different regions.

Step 2

Sourcing of candidates

After classifying the requirements, we source out the candidates thru head hunting & our data bank. We even flash the requirements in job portals and receive the CVs by emails. If needed, we release the advertisements in the newspapers in the concerned region, to collect the CVs for wider selection.

Step 3

Selection of candidates

Our HR team carefully scrutinize the CVs and shortlist the potential candidates strictly as per the job specifications of the clients. In case of CV selections, the short listed candidates are interviewed by our HR team and the CVs of the selected candidates are sent to our clients for their approval. For selection by personal interviews, we arrange the interviews with the Company’s delegates at the appropriate centers looking to the availability. In case of CV selection, we finalize the salary and other terms and forward the CVs to the clients for their approval. In case of selection on personal interviews, the salary and other terms are
finalized by the delegates.

Step 4

Post selection procedure & deployment

Immediately after selection of the candidates, we get the provisional offer letter from the Company and get the acceptance of the candidate. Thereafter, while we get the medical and other documentation formalities completed, the Company gets the Employment Agreement
prepared and visa issued for the medically fit candidates. These formalities are completed by us and the Company simultaneously and immediately on receipt of the visa, we get the visa endorsed and deploy the candidates at the minimum possible time.